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Illustration Uses & Design

I use my skills as a creative professional to design bespoke images for your products.

Clockwork Mice
Mr Clockwork Mouse Illustration

Church Mouse and Choir Mouse are but two of a series of church mice that I was asked to create for a church event.

Clockwork Mouse sketch
Choir Mouse sketch
Church Mouse sketch

Prickles & Spike started out when I made my husband a valentine card. They have gone on many adventures since. Check out my card collections.

Prickles &  Spike Valentine Card
Card Collection
Mother's Day Card - Sheery
Happy Birthday - Zinfandel
Book Illustration
I'll Just be a Tad book cover - author Gill Marshall

I am the illustrator of the Tad Pan books, authored by Gill Marshall. These books can be bought on Amazon, from myself or Tad Pan (

Original Tad Pan and Phoebie sketches
Phoebie sketch
Phoebie illustrated - from Tad Pan books
Tad Pan eating chocolate sketch
Tad Pan eating chocolate - from I'll Just be a Tad by Gill Marshall
Jess Stretching sketch
Jess Sleeping sketch
Jess Sleeping from I'll Just be a Tad by Gill Marshall
Packaging Design

The brief for these biscuit packets was to create a character for each one based  on an extinct creature with qualities which represented the biscuits. The biscuit packaging should be fun to encourage "pester power" by children!

The Vegas Valley Leopard Frog (which, as it turns out is no longer extinct!!) has a skin which is similar to the raisin biscuit.

The Sabre-toothed Tiger has leopard like spots which reminded me of chocolate chips.

The Tasmanian Tiger has an
orange fur, much like a tiger,
but a body more like
that of a dog.

Raisin Biscuit packaging design
Chocolate Chip Biscuit packaging design
Ginger Biscuits packaging design
Raisin Biscuits small packet design
Chocolate Chip Biscuits small packet design
Ginger Biscuit small packet design
Leaflets & Brochures

This brochure was designed to reflect the relaxing nature of a spa retreat. Each image was hand painted in watercolour. The black lined images were drawn on a tracing paper to create a contrast with the background.

I scanned the front cover image with tracing paper over the top to give it the same feel as the rest of the the brochure.

Book Covers
Watercolour front cover before adding textued film
Spa leaflet cover front and back
Inner pages (Yoga) of leaflet
Inner pages (Diet) of Spa leaflet
Milan tourist images in watercolour
Milan tourist book cover
Milan tourist book front cover

Using watercolours I painted these tourist attractions of Milan. I then used a black liner to outline various elements. I scanned the items in used them to create my Milan Tourist Guide book cover. The arrows guide the viewer around a series of landmarks, finishing at a beautiful eatery.

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